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സങ്കല്പ് സേ സിദ്ധി - കൃഷി വിജ്ഞാന കേന്ദ്രം തൃശൂര്‍

Mon, 21/08/2017 - 4:32pm -- KVK Thrissur
Announcement Issued by
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Thrissur
Date of Notification
Sunday, August 20, 2017


Determination to attainment

Sankalp Se Siddhi

Sankalp Se-Siddhi is a great movement initiated by Government of India for waking of New India through doubling the farmer’s income by 2022 through 7 point activities.

An oath taking Ceremony was organized by KVK, Thrissur as an initiation of this program at district level. The function was preceded by Smt. Shobhana Rajan (president, Pazhayanoor Grama Pnchayat). The ceremony was inaugurated by Dr. P.K. BIju (Alathoor MP). He was of the opinion that the agricultural activities should be remodeled based an agro climatic and soil conditions. He opinioned that Crop diversification soil test based farming activities, Integration of animal husbandry and fisheries component in agriculture, long term facilities and value additions are the crucial point that will help the farmers to double their income. Message of Prime minister in local language was delivered by Padma Kumar and he led the Oath taking. Assistant Collector, Thrissur Dr. Vinay Goyal IAS inaugurated On farm trial, Front line demonstration activities of KVK for the year 2017-2018. The state Karshakothama award was honoured in the function key note address was delivered by Dr. Jiju P Alex (Director of Extension, KAU).

Water Conservation activities and Actio apportum for the farmers can be followed and investment in agricultural sector should be increased to ensure property to farmers and KAU will facilitate farmers in this regard with farmer’s friendly technologies developed at various research stations.

Welcome speech was done by, KVK Programme Co-ordinator Dr. A. Prema and Dr. Giggin, Assistant Professor KVK delivered vote of thanks. Training classes on precision farming was also organized as a part of this function.




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Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656