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XX Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting_ ICAR- KVK Thrissur

Mon, 07/03/2022 - 12:49pm -- KVK Thrissur

The XX Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Meeting was conducted on 17th February at KVK Thrissur. SAC was inaugurated by Hon`ble Vice-Chancellor of Kerala Agricultural University, Dr. R Chandra Babu. A special address for the SAC was given by Dr. Jayasree Krishnankutty, Director of Extension, and Dr. M J Chandre Gowda, Principal Scientist, ATARI Bangalore. Officials of the line departments, nodal officers of BLAKCs, and progressive farmers participated actively in the deliberations. The renovated Agro-food processing centre of KVK Thrissur was inaugurated. Newsletter, leaflets, short technology videos of KVK were unveiled at the SAC meeting. Products of KVK like ready-to-fruit mushroom bags and processed products of tribes of Thamaravellachal and Ayur Kera Virgin coconut oil of KVK supported entrepreneurs were released.


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Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656