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Sponsored training programme on “Capacity building for Agri Technicians” for the farmers/farm women at ICAR- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Thrissur

Mon, 19/04/2021 - 1:05pm -- KVK Thrissur

Sponsored training programme on “Capacity building for Agri Technicians” for the farmers/farm women in one batch of 20 trainees for (four working days) at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Thrissur by ESAF Co-operative. A training for capacity building of 20 Agritechnicians, sponsored by ESAF, was conducted for four days in March 2021. The training was conducted as part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative of ESAF, in collaboration with KVK Thrissur and CTI, Mannuthy. The aim of the training is to train rural women in scientific vegetable cultivation so that they can act as para-agricultural staff and take up and promote vegetable cultivation at rural areas. The first phase of the training was inaugurated by Mrs. Saleena George, ESMACO Chairperson and felicitation was done by Mr. Jojy Koshy Varghese, HOD of Member Service Department. Dr. Suma Nair, Program Co-ordinator of KVK Thrissur chaired the function. Training kits and uniforms were handed over to the trainees by the program co-ordinator, KVK Thrissur.Four classes were conducted by scientists of KVK Thrissur on various aspects of scientific vegetable cultivation in the first phase of the programme. The second phase of the programme will be conducted during 2012-22.


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Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656