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ICAR- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Thrissur organized a tree planting campaign in relation with ICAR foundation day at Thumbur cooperative society. 16.07.2021

Thu, 05/08/2021 - 6:10pm -- KVK Thrissur

Tree Plantation Ceremony ICAR- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Thrissur organized a tree planting campaign in relation with ICAR foundation day at Thumbur co operative society. KVK distributed mango grafts to school students on the occasion. Sri. Manoj K.S., Secretary i/c, Sri. Denny., Administrative Committee convener, Sri. Sajeev and Smt. Vijaya., Junior Cooperative Inspectors etc were participated in the event. Thumbur Co operative society has initiated an innovative program entitled 'Kutti krishiyum kunjen pankum'. It emphasizes the importance of children’s participation in farming.KVK Thrissur is providing technical support to the program. It is a one of its kind programme where a co- operative society is taking a lead in inculcating the agrarian culture and farming practices among the younger generation. The programme also aims to prevent children's addiction to digital gadgets during lock down. Children are unable to attend their regular classes and experience boredom and depression which is a social issue that needs to addressed KVK Thrissur is taking up this as a continuing programme henceforth.


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Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656